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Our History


Immaculate Conception Catholic School began as St. Joseph Catholic School, a rural, one-room school started by a group of parents and community members for the 2005-2006 academic year.  The school had 14 students and the classroom teacher volunteered her time to get the school started.  The following year it was blessed by Bishop Olmstead as an elementary school within the Diocese of Phoenix.  Grade levels, and classroom spaces, were continually added through the 2009-2010 school year, when the school had expanded to encompass preschool through eighth grade.  

As the visibility and popularity of Immaculate Conception Catholic School increased, the need arose for additional facilities and classroom space.  After several school and public meetings, plans began to build a school on the grounds of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on North Bill Gray Road in Cottonwood.  Construction of the school, and transfer of classrooms, was completed in October 2015, and the name of the school was changed from St. Joseph Catholic School to Immaculate Conception Catholic School (ICCS) to reflect its new location.